There has been a move to ‘regulate’ e-commerce market place. E-comm players are blamed for deep discounting and predatory pricing’. Some of the e-commerce giants have been summoned and asked to share data on Sellers, GST compliance and compliance to the ‘spirit’ of FDI. The ‘Draft Social Security Law’, is considering extension of social benefits to the […]


The professionals have been asking for extension of filing date on account of challenges faced while filing statutory returns, due to regular changes in the utility software. Now comes o-Governance – Where ‘O’ stands for ‘Over’, hence Over Governance. NFRA has introduced Form NFRA2, where the Statutory Auditor has to disclose for each client audited, details of […]


As per the latest Motor Vehicle Act 2019, the intent is to penalize errant drivers. This will bring in discipline, order and reduce fatalities. The Indian drivers are protesting and there is a complete lock down of public transport in Delhi today. Why? Because we don’t like to follow rules, we love to break them! Apply this […]