Mr. Aditya Birla has rightly spoken about Indian corporate adopting global governance norms. However, I have been wondering how Raju of Satyam was able to hoodwink the entire professional Board, kill the Stat Auditors, mislead SEBI and get home dry. Look at Siddharth of CCD, he committed suicide! Satyam happened in 2009, ten years back and Siddharth, […]


Year after year, as an Accountant and as a person with interest in economics, I spend time listening to the budget speech, participating in seminars and discussions. I have always wondered why we never have a measurement of ‘Budget’ to ‘Actual’, variance, cause, responsibility, accountability, Social impact? Why our budget is never presented with ‘Sources’ to ‘Application’ […]


Independent Directors, a dilemma! After the Statutory Auditors, it will now be a close call for the Independent Directors. To sit on a Board once in three months, review the accounts and processes, and financial health, as the custodians of the company, representing the various stakeholders, they use the Statutory Auditors and the Internal Auditors, as a […]