Mr. Aditya Birla has rightly spoken about Indian corporate adopting global governance norms. However, I have been wondering how Raju of Satyam was able to hoodwink the entire professional Board, kill the Stat Auditors, mislead SEBI and get home dry. Look at Siddharth of CCD, he committed suicide! Satyam happened in 2009, ten years back and Siddharth, ten years later had the resources to pay off the debts, manage his leverage and the Board & CEO, had no idea where this was heading? One can go on and on about the terrible governance practices, but who is listening? My view is that, as professionals, we need to keep knocking on the head of the General Counsel, CFO, Audit Committee Chairperson, till we get their attention. The intent is good, the action has to be better. #leadership #governance #accountability